
Intertextile Shenzhen Apparel Fabrics - Information for visitors attending this business and networking event

Here you can find important and useful information to prepare yourself for your visit to Intertextile Shenzhen Apparel Fabrics and other Shenzhen business and networking events.


Opening times

Date 11 – 13 June 2025
Venue Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center
Futian District, Shenzhen Fuhua Third Road, Shenzhen, China (Google map)
Admission price Free-of-charge. Trade buyers only.



Trade visitors will be permitted entry free of charge for the entirety of Intertextile Shenzhen Apparel Fabrics but must be over 18. Furthermore, pre-registration and registration can be completed online as a time-saving measure as you can get your badge ahead of time.

  • Admission is free-of-charge and for trade visitors only
  • Persons under 18 will not be admitted
  • Online pre-registration
    Complete the online registration form to get your QR badge in advance and save onsite queuing time!
  • Onsite registration
    Fill out the visitor regsitration form and present a business card to redeem the admission badge at the visitor registration counters at the fairground.

Who should visit?


Intertextile Shenzhen Apparel Fabrics will feature many key players in the fabrics and apparel industry, including leading manufacturers, buyers, wholesalers, distributors, and designers. With the exhibition lasting three days, the business and networking possibilities are limitless at this event.

  • Garment manufacturer
  • Trading company
  • Import & export corporation
  • Wholesaler / Distributor
  • Agent
  • Department store
  • Retailer / Chain store
  • Buying office
  • Fibre producer / Spinner / Weaver
  • Trade association or organization
  • Press
  • Home textiles related
  • Designer / Interior design
  • Academic / Research & development / Textile institute
  • Others


Exclusive services for pre-registrant

Further information for your visit


Exhibition grounds

Here you can find an overview of the various halls, entrances and other important information about the fairground.

Arrival and stay

Arrival & stay

Here you will find important information about your arrival and stay during the Intertextile Shenzhen Apparel Fabrics.